Matriculation Appeals
A Matriculation Appeals Petition may be filed for any of the following concerns:
Review of Placement Decisions
The student must make an appointment to see the Dean of Counseling. If the Dean of Counseling is unavailable within three (3) working days, the student shall take the appeal directly to the Dean of Humanities or Dean of Mathematics as appropriate. The student must include documentation/information to support the appeal.
Waiver of Prerequisites
If a co-requisite or prerequisite is not offered in a given semester, the student may request a waiver of the co-requisite/prerequisite. The student shall take the petition directly to the Dean of the division responsible for the course.
The request must be made prior to the first day of the semester. Students may challenge a prerequisite on the grounds it is not valid because it is not necessary for success in the course for which it is required; or because the student has the knowledge or ability to succeed in the course despite not meeting the prerequisite. The student shall take the petition directly to the Dean of the division responsible for the course.
Complaint of Unlawful Discrimination
If a student feels that assessment, orientation, counseling, prerequisites (or any other matriculation procedure) is being applied in a discriminatory manner, a petition may be filed with the Dean of Counseling. Petitions for the above appeals are available in the Counseling Center (2000 Building).