Admissions and Records

Extenuating Circumstances Petition

This request is a formal appeal to make an exception or waive a college rule. It is intended for special circumstances such as serious illness, accidents, or other situations beyond your control.

Medical Requests: If you are submitting this request due to a medical condition, please include a detailed letter from your doctor.

Privacy Notice: All submitted documents will be kept confidential in accordance with FERPA.

Your request will be reviewed by the Academic Standards Committee, and you will receive an email with the decision within 30 business days.

Important: Ensure your form is complete, as missing information may delay processing.

Please select the form associated with your student portal status:

Access to myGateway

Unable to log into myGateway

Students not able to log into myGateway will have to create a NextGen account to complete the form. 

You can find instructions on how to create that account below: