Admissions and Records

Auditing Courses

Audit Policy & Procedures

In accordance with California Education Code Section 76370 and North Orange County Community College District Policy Section 5009, students may audit designated courses under the following conditions:

  1. Students may audit a course only if they have previously taken the course at Fullerton College and received a passing grade or have taken the course the maximum number of times allowed.
  2. Audit forms are accepted at the start of each term/semester. A Petition to Audit must be submitted to the Admissions & Records Office by the add deadline of the course.
  3. Students enrolling in a course for credit will be given priority over students auditing.
  4. The petition must include both the instructor’s and division dean’s signatures.
  5. Students auditing college courses are charged $15 per unit. Fees are non-refundable, and all outstanding balances must be paid before auditing a course. If a student is not enrolled in any other Fullerton College courses, a mandatory health fee will be charged. All fees are subject to change without notice.
  6. For variable unit courses, the fee charged will be based on the maximum number of units.
  7. Students who audit must adhere to all course rules and regulations, including attendance. Instructors are not required to administer tests or provide test materials to auditing students.
  8. No record of auditing or grade will be noted on the student’s transcript.

Audit Request Form